Creativity FIT Marketing "When you find your Brand Voice!"
We are talking about Branding, culture, principles, and your company statement.
Your Brand's voice is the picture, the personality, the soul of your Brand. It is constant and uniform. This is especially important in the digital ecosystem, where content often begins to look and feel the same, that's when your voice needs to be relevant.
I am not talking to be irreverent, following trends or forcing communications, It is about being consistent in your offer, product values, and statement.
Some brands with a powerful brand voice • Nike • Starbucks • Apple • Netflix • The Walt Disney Company • The Coca-Cola Company • Pixar Animation Studios
⭐️ CREATIVITY FIT MARKETING | Our core values statement.
Madison Project 'Creativity FIT Marketing' is a declaration of our culture, work ethic, values, principles, and fundamentals. That's the way we work!
This post was originally published in LinkedIn on:
This post was originally published on LinkedIn